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Nathan Akehurst




Nathan Akehurst is currently reading History and Politics at Oxford University. He writes for and edits the Comment section of the Oxford Student and the Oxford Left Review, as well as maintaining the left-wing blog Red Flag Flying. With a background in representation and community organisations, he has been a peer educator, organised climate change awareness programmes, represented a London borough on the UK Youth Parliament for two years, and currently is his college’s delegate to Oxford University Student Union.

His academic enthusiasms tend toward contemporary Irish history, twentieth-century UK politics with a strong focus on protests and social movements, and war studies.

He is involved in a variety of projects, including facilitating Oxford’s access and outreach work, campaigning around tenants’ unionism and strengthening student and local democracy.

He is also a registered tutor; when able to work as a voluntary tutor and academic mentor in local schools and thus has a keen interest in education policy. His first novel, a dystopian thriller, is due to out soon.


  • 1999 – Ph.D., from Standford University
  • 1995 – Masters in Mathematics and Logic from Cornell University
  • 1993 – Bachelors in Statistical Sciences from Purdue University.


  • National Endowment Summer Institute, 2010
  • Invent Foundation Science and Religion Award, 2007
  • National Endowment Seminar, 2002
  • Purdue University Fellowship, 1994-1995
  • Maxima cum Laude, Invent College, 1985

Areas of Expertise/Interest

  • Pattern Analysis, algorithm development
  • Scaling and macroecology
  • High dimensional data sets
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