
Home » Bala Zakka

Bala Zakka

M.Eng, PhD


Accounting, Management, Engineering



About Bala Zakka

Bala Zakka is an Accountant, Engineer and Tax Expert

He is a member of the Technical Research and Public Policy Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). He is also a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM), the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), Chartered Institute of Transport Administration of Nigeria (CIOTA), the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and a limited member of the Council of Petroleum Accountant Societies (COPAS), in the United States of America.

Bala has worked variously as a Field Application Engineer, Drilling Optimization Engineer and Operations Manager, within and outside Nigeria. He has attended several Engineering, Accounting and Management training courses, seminars and workshops, in different parts of the world, including the UK, USA, The Netherlands, Singapore, Gabon, Tunisia, South Africa, etc.

He is also an Energy/Public Affairs Analyst and a regularly featured guest for print and electronic media, within and outside Nigeria. He also speaks at many radio stations across Nigeria, on economic and energy matters. He has also been a speaker at key events such as the Obafemi Awolowo Colloquium, National Environmental/Climate Days, Petroleum Trust Development Fund (PTDF) lectures, etc.

His current areas of interest and analysis include Micro & Macro-Economics, Oil & Gas Environmental studies on Flooding, Desertification, Oil Spill, Bio-degradation and Security (Terrorism, Conflict & Peace Resolution).

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